FAQs for Students
Why am I seeing a message saying “Your school has restricted your ability to apply to this job”?
You will see that message if you do not meet the requirements of the position. Hiring managers set various preferences for their jobs and not all students will meet those preferences. We advise all students to use the filter “Matches all employer preferences” so they can easily see the jobs for which they are eligible.
I have work study, how do I find a job?
Read through the information and tips in the “Federal Work Study” section here!
What types of jobs are there?
There are many types of student employment opportunities, including as office assistants, proctors, and staff at the ITS Help Desk. The best way to learn about the many different positions being offered is to look through postings for open positions.
Am I guaranteed a position?
No. Positions are extremely competitive and hiring managers select the student they feel is the best fit for their needs. Using the proper job search strategies greatly increases your chances of getting hired.
How do I view open positions?
To find on-campus jobs, go to the Jobs tab in Handshake. Then click the Filters button and choose On Campus Student Employment.
What if I don’t have a resume or need help updating it?
If undergraduate students would like assistance with their resume or cover letter, they should make an appointment with the Career Lab team on Handshake. Graduate students should consult their individual graduate schools for assistance.
Can I apply for more than one position?
Yes, you can, and should, apply for multiple student employment positions, because jobs are very competitive. Start applying, and don’t stop until you are hired!
What if I don’t see a position I like on Handshake?
Fall positions are posted during the summer, and spring positions are posted in December and January. However, jobs are approved on a rolling basis throughout the year, so check frequently to see whether new opportunities have been posted that might interest you. Positions are competitive and can fill quickly once interviews begin, so don’t wait too long–or be too choosy–and risk missing your opportunity to apply.
Once I apply for a position, how soon will I hear back?
It varies greatly depending on the position because so many departments handle hiring differently. Some review applications as soon as the job is posted, while others wait until a job expires. If you are a final candidate for a position, a hiring manager will contact you to schedule an interview. If you are concerned about not hearing about positions, please email oncampusemployment@xsdvoip.com or make an appointment using “On-Campus Job Search” as the appointment type.
If I’m hired, how many hours per week would I work?
The required hours for on-campus jobs vary. The posted job description always lists the number of hours. During the semester, U.S. students can work up to 25 hours per week; international students can work up to 20 hours per week. Starting the first full week after exams end and through the final full week before classes start, students can work up to 40 hours per week (inclusive of all positions on campus).
How do I update my direct deposit/banking information?
To update your direct deposit information, please use our secure direct deposit upload portal for banking information. You will be required to provide proof of your banking account and routing number. To do this you can upload a bank statement or a screenshot from your banking app. Please make sure the image includes your full account number.
Does the Office of Student Employment have a secure drop box for submitting updated employment documents (e.g. tax forms, SSN cards, etc.)?
We do! Please submit any documents that include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to our secure upload portal. This information should never be sent via email.
Office of Student Employment
Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center (ASEC Building)
3rd Floor
939 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610
The Office of Student Employment is open on weekdays, typically from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Drop-in hours for identity verification are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3pm to 4pm, or by appointment.